Sunday, November 4, 2012

Mackenzie Grace Hammann

It was a typical summer day
At 2:08 in the morning, on
They placed a 9 lb 10 oz
Miracle in our arms.
Four Days Early, and 12 hours after arriving at the hospital,
She was Perfect.
We named her
Mackenzie Grace

No one will ever know the strength of my Love for you.  After all, you’re the only one who knows what my Heart sounds like from the inside.

I sat in Adrianna's bed one night and had a little discussion with her after baby Kenzie came home.  I told her that no one would ever come between us and that I brought baby Kenzie into this world so that she would have a best friend to grow up with and have in her life forever.  I don't know if she understood my words exactly, but I could tell she could feel what I was saying was good and she had such a sweet demeanor about her after our conversation.  I am so proud to have such amazing girls.

The bond was instant and unforced.  It was so natural for Adrianna to want to lie down with her baby sister and hold her.  She instantly had a connection and fell in love with her little sister. 

One of our first photos with Baby Kenzie's eyes open.

Adrianna asks me every day "mom, I wanna carry the baby"  with adult supervision we let baby Kenzie cuddle up on Addie's lap and she sits there and kisses her face and she loves to rub her head.

I had to take a picture of daddy and daughter so comfortably napping together.  These are the moments in life that make everything else worth it.  Moments to be cherished forever.

                  Mommy and her Girls

Kenzie's First Hair Cut

Adrianna and Mackenzie were born with the same beautiful, soft, black hair with a heavy receding hairline.  After going through Adrianna bad hair days for the first 18 months of her life, I decided we are going to go a different route with Kenzie and shave her head so it can all grow in at the same time.  Addie went through the balding spots of hair all over her head to the flock of seagulls hair style.  Hopefully Kenzie will have a little more luck.