Friday, June 15, 2012

This is a little collage of some 6 month belly bump photos.

The background of the baby bump collage is the wall of our new baby girls nursery.  

I finished painting and stenciling yesterday. Here are some photos of the finished paint job...

I was impressed that even with the texture on the drywall the stencil still turned out pretty and neat.  Ignore the paint supplies mess in the corner. ;)

I will post more pictures when we bring the furniture in.


  1. Wow the atenciling looks amazing. You have to come help me do that to one of my rooms:)

    1. I was nervous, but it turned out great! :) I did have to use the more time consuming technique we talked about, but it is a small wall so it didn't take too long. It's not perfect when you look close... but it's good enough for me! :)
